1. Hybrid Storage Systems and Use-cases: Specifications and requirements

Lead partner: PT

The main objectives of this WP are to:
• Define requirements and specifications of the use cases and demonstrations.
• Define the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for all WPs that will be used for the evaluation of the performance and cost
• Define the testing protocols, validation procedures and safety plan for: hybrid Battery Stack, modular power electronics and multi-services energy management strategies.

1. Specification and requirement document [PT – Apr 2021]
Specifications for the different use cases and requirements for the components at the concept grid.
2. KPI overview of all HESS components [PT – Jun 2021]
The KPI shall evaluate the performance of the developed EMS. These KPIs have to consider the dynamic performance of the new EMS algorithm itself.
3. Testing protocols overview [PT – Jun 2021]
This report will define the testing protocols. This includes the test definition to meet the requirements of the different use cases, to be compatible with each other and to ensure safe operation in within the targeted operating window.