iSTORMY’s eighth General Assembly

All partners came together on 29 and 30 May, for the eighth project General Assembly. This was the first meeting after the updates and extensions to our Grant Agreement has been accepted.

It has been a very important meeting, not only for the technical contents discussed but also because it took place at EDF concept Grid, were the consortium had the chance to see (and test!) the iSTORMY system.

The meeting was organised as two half days day starting the afternoon of Day1 with an update of the active WPs. The first day finished with the site visit, everyone got the chance to see the results of 3 years work assembled together in the iSTORMY container. A short demonstration was provided.

The second day (morning) focused on the update of the management and dissemination aspects. iSTORMY is entering into its final phase and a final event/conference will be organised.

The meeting was concluded by a detailed discussion in order to define the final agreements for the last months of the project.