2. Optimized Hybrid Battery Stack Concepts and Advanced Battery Management Systems

Lead partner: TNO

The objectives of this WP are to:
• Design and build an optimized hybrid battery pack based on a range of battery stacks, utilizing batteries of different chemistries and age.
• Reduce the TCO by 15% with innovative design of the hybrid battery pack and advanced BMS functionality.
• Innovate to reduce the TCO:
a) Modularity of battery stacks
b) Advanced state estimation and remaining useful life algorithms
c) Advanced thermal management of battery stacks

1. Medium-fidelity models of different cells technology and performance characterization [CEA – Sept 2021]
The report and the model parameters of the battery cells for the four technologies. The electro-thermal model of the cell is based on an equivalent circuit model method, parametrized with the different electrical characterizations planned. The parameters of the four models will be public, in order to allow easy reproduction of the four battery models behavior.
2. Programmed BMS for extended lifetime [TNO – Jul 2022]
The Battery Management System (BMS) to be used in the hybrid battery pack prototype, including hardware and
software. Presentation of the advanced BMS algorithms used to estimate the states of the battery, manage its usage
and extend its lifetime.
3. Hybrid battery pack prototype
[CEG – Jan 2023]
A tested functional hybrid battery pack for use in the demonstration according to the optimal design.
4. Report on performance and testing of the BP prototype
[CEG – Jan 2023]
A report describing the test results of the hybrid battery pack of report 3.