Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa Jose Maria Arizmendarrieta S. Coop

Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MGEP) is a non-profit cooperative university focused on providing high-quality education, research, innovation and transfer of knowledge and technologies to industry. The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MGEP) initiated its activity in 1943 promoted by José Mª Arizmendiarrieta, who was the founder of the cooperative movement in Mondragon (Basque Country). Today, the University of Mondragon belongs to the Mondragon Corporation, which integrates 266 companies and cooperatives, 15 technology centres and over 80,000 people. Two research groups from MGEP will participate in the project: the Electrical Energy group and the Circular Economy and Industrial Sustainability group.

Role in the project
The activities of the Electrical Energy group are focused on electronic power converters, energy storage systems and electrical machines (design, modelling, control and analysis) and on their specific applications (power systems, energy generation, renewables, industrial applications, traction, etc.). The group of Electrical Energy brings into the project critical expertise related to ac and dc power system control and design, energy storage sizing and integration in stationary applications, and power converter control and design. In particular, this group will lead Result 4 to develop a universal and self-healing energy management strategy for the iSTORMY hybrid ESS solution and will also participate in other WPs to contribute in the development of the ESS and the electronic power converters and their implementation in the EDF Concept Grid platform.

Regarding the Circular Economy and Industrial Sustainability group, its main goal is to help companies improving their resource efficiency and economic performance, without compromising the environment and society. The group is capable of supporting companies with the development of projects focused on circularity performance, ecodesign, life cycle sustainability and business model innovation. In the project, this group will carry out the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Result 5 to determine the environmental impact of the iSTORMY solution over its life cycle.

Country: Spain